REFERENCES >> Recent Publications
Publications in English
10. |
SEA in Austria and the participative SEA Round Table model |
Arbter, K. (2019)
in: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, published online: 21 Feb 2019,
Paper (accepted manuscript), pdf-Format, 217 KB
Please, feel free to contact me if you would like to download the edited version of the article.
9. |
Lots of Talk – and No Impact? How Effective Participation can Succeed |
Arbter, K. (2014)
in: stadt:pilot special – Generating Effective Public Participation, p. 16
Published by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety and Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Berlin-Bonn, 2014
8. |
Key Elements of Public Participation Procedures from a Practical Perspective |
Arbter, K. (2009)
Contribution to the first meeting of the expert group on public participation of the UNECE Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention 7-8 July 2009 in Geneva
Paper, pdf-Format, 36 KB
7. |
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainablity Impact Assessment – Common Features, Differences and Lessons Learned |
Arbter, K. (2008)
in: OECD Sustainable Development Studies – Conducting Sustainablity Assessments, p. 35-40.
6. |
The Public Participation Manual |
Arbter, K., Handler, M., Purker,
L., Tappeiner, G., Trattnigg, R.
commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and
Forestry, Environment and Water Management, 2005/2007
The Public
Participation Manual, pdf-Format, 4 MB
5. |
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Impact Assessment - Two Participatory Assessment Tools for Sustainablity |
Arbter, K. (2007)
in: Sustainable Development in Europe - Concepts, Evaluation and Applications,
p. 83-95. Edited by Uwe Schubert und Eckhard Störmer. Edward
Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2007
pdf-Format, 64 KB
4. |
Contribution about SEA experience in
Austria for the book |
Dalal-Clayton, D.B. and Sadler, B.: Strategic Environmental
Assessment - A Sourcebook and Reference Guide to International Experience,
p. 59 - 61, Earthscan Publications, London, 2005
Arbter, K., Aschemann, R. (2005)
3. |
SEA of Waste Management Plans - An Austrian
Case Study |
Arbter, K. (2005)
in: Implementing Strategic Environmental Assessment, p. 621-630. Edited
by Michael Schmidt, Elsa João, Lothar Knopp and Eike Albrecht.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg, 2005
2. |
SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment)
and SIA (Sustainability Impact Assessment) - two participative assessment
tools for sustainability |
Arbter, K. (2003)
in: conference proceedings of the EASY ECO 2 Conference, May 15-17,
2003, Vienna, p. 175-181
Article, pdf-Format,
38 KB
1. |
Mediated SEA: the Viennese experience |
Arbter, K. (2003)
in: the environmentalist number 15 / February 2003, p. 19-22
Article, pdf-Format,
20 KB
Publications in German see here.
Contributions to international seminars or conferences
21. |
Government and Civil Society Cooperation in the Environmental Field
24.10.2014: Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting (EEDIM), OSCE, Vienna
20. |
Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Marking – a Case Study
23.10.2013: Visit of a Kyrgyz Delegation at the OSCE, Vienna
19. |
Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Marking
3.7.2013: Aarhus Centers Annual Meeting, OSCE, Vienna
18. |
SEA – A Consensus Building Tool |
23.9.2011: SEA-Conference of the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA), Prague
17. |
Sustainability Impact Assessment & Public Participation |
17.9.2010: Concept Symposium 2010, Oslo
16. |
Elements of Public Participation Procedures from a Practical Perspective |
7.7.2009: First meeting of the expert group on public participation of the UNECE Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention, Geneva Paper, pdf-Format, 36 KB
15. |
The Austrian Pacemaker for Sustainable Development: a Tool for Developing Policies and Legislation |
11.2.2009: Workshop on Assessing Impacts of National Strategies for Sustainable Development, Finnish Environmental Institute, Helsinki
14. |
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the Viennese waste management plan 2007 |
16.5.2008: Visit of a Finnish delegation at the Department of Waste Management of Vienna, Vienna
13. |
Strategic environmental assessment and sustainablity impact assessment – common features, differences and lessons learned |
14.1.2008: OECD-workshop on "Sustainability assessment methodologies", Amsterdam
presentation, pdf-Format, 262 KB
12. |
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the Viennese waste management plan 2007 |
4.12.2007: International workshop of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) on "Public participation in strategic decision-making", Sofia
presentation, pdf-Format, 608 KB
11. |
How to make words count? Communication
- a soft success factor in SEA |
25.5.2006: 26th Annual Conference of the International
Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA), Stavanger
pdf-Format, 490 KB
10. |
Strategic environmental assessment -
a waste management planning tool |
30.11.2005: in-depth SEA workshop for waste management
experts at the 7th International Conference on Waste Management, Vienna
9. |
Practical SEA experience from Austrian
case studies |
22.11.2005: Slovenian SEA Seminar, Ljubljana
8. |
Testing SEA in practice - Experience
from Austria |
28.9.2005: SEA Conference of the International Association
of Impact Assessment (IAIA), Prague
pdf-Format, 306 KB
7. |
Practical SEA experience in Austria |
7.6.2005: International SEA Workshop of the Alps-Adria-Cooperation,
Pörtschach am Wörthersee
6. |
SEA and public participation |
18.9.2003: International Seminar "Strategic Environmental
Assessment and Transport", Wuppertalinstitut für Klima,
Umwelt und Energie, Wuppertal
5. |
SEA in Austria |
5.9.2003: EEB Seminar on "Strategic Environmental
Assessment: Making a Difference", European Environmental Bureau,
4. |
SEA and SIA - two participative assessment
tools for sustainability |
16.5.2003: EASY - ECO 2 - Evaluation of Sustainability,
European Conference, Vienna
3. |
SEA for the Viennese Waste Management
Plan |
11.7.2002: 2nd IMPEL Workshop on Monitoring in SEA,
2. |
SEA Round Table - broadening public participation |
20.6.2002: 22nd Conference of the International Association
of Impact Assessment (IAIA), Den Haag
1. |
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
at the Round Table - A step forward to consensual and ecologically
beneficial planning solutions |
23.11.2001: 1st European Symposium on Environmental
Mediation in Europe, Vienna